Monday, September 14, 2009

A Good Joke for Early Morning...

gambar tak der kene mengene pun tapi funny..
here's something to make you smile to start your day...

Beruang, Singa dan Babi bertemu di hutan..(a bear, a lion and a pig met in a jungle..).

Beruang : "sekali je aku mengaum, seluruh hutan menggigil."
(bear said "once i roar, the whole jungle shiver..")

Singa : "ek eleh, sekali je aku mengaum semua belantara ketakutan."
(the lion said "wait once i roar the whole world frighten..")

Babi kata: "Wa La Weh.... sekali je aku batuk, satu dunia panik!"
(and the pig said.."once i sneeze, the whole world panic...")
ekeke...get the point..
FIY in Malaysia Influenza H1N1 is shawine or " pig " fever...


Warnawanie said...

ehehehe... make sure babi tu pakai mask..!!! hahaha

Arahan oleh : Kementerian Kesihatan

kui kui kui

azhariahzuber said...

mmg lawak

Elyn Sani said...

ekekeekke hampes je lawak ko!!

Cetusan said...

sekali FAZ marah habis pingan mangkuk hayunn